Child Safety at Sea – Freed and Stuart Talk Cruise Policies to Protect Kids

Protecting kids at sea has been a hot topic of late, as some major cruise lines have adjusted their pool policies to add lifeguards. Most revealing on the subject of child protection, though?

Vicki Freed, senior vice president of sales, trade support and service, Royal Caribbean International, told hundreds of agents attending the final General Session of Cruise360 on Saturday that Royal Caribbean initiates a process 30 days prior to sailing to help assure no registered sex offenders sail on the line. Full Article

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And yet, there will be wife beaters (convicted, mind you), child beaters (convicted), drunk drivers (convicted), drug dealers/users/sellers/manufacturers (convicted), thieves (convicted), and maybe even a murder/manslaughterer or two (convicted) sitting the the promenade deck, sipping an umbrella drink right next to Little Johnny and Janie. And yet the guy, who 20 years ago at 18 had sex with his sophomore girlfriend, whom he later married and has two beautiful children, who has worked hard to overcome all sorts of obstacles and have a good job and provide for his family, is banned from the boat. Please, assembled travel agents! Applaud louder!

I’m sure the travel agents would feel a tiny bit safer if the guy with the tattooed face and assault/battery charges in his criminal history were similarly banned from travel. Maybe we should ban them too? Oh! Wait. We can’t do that. We can’t ban a person based upon a prior conviction, because that would be ex post facto PUNISHMENT! We don’t do that to our citizens, right? That’s just unAmerikuhn. But those RSOs? That list is REGULATORY! Who cares that its based on a lie?

Happy sailing. Please don’t piss the guy with the tattooed face off. As long as he just beats someone to death and doesn’t touch their naughty bits, Royal Caribbean has done its job.

She (Freed) “stressed that Royal Caribbean has highly qualified people in charge of those children’s activity programs. All kids’ counselors must have a college degree in a related field such as early childhood development.” Can I say that are sex offenders in the mix and no one is looking?

How many RSOs have committed an offense while aboard cruise ships? I’m going to guess the number is at or near zero. More fear mongering as usual.

Just more harassment.

People who are listed on these Registries need to fully realize that they are at war with any people who support the Registries. Treat Registry Supporters/Terrorists as if they are Nazis in WW2 Germany. They ARE the exact same type of person. They ARE the people who would be burning Jews. Obviously they will say that they are not, but they ARE.

Do not stand by and let them affect your life without affecting theirs. Identify INDIVIDUALS and companies that support this harassment and ATTACK them constantly by ANY means that legal. Take back your America.

Freed is talking yet she seems to be hiding something, when you have people like her use children to this degree they usually have something going on in the back round.

My guess is that cruise lines are hurting for business so they are trying to lure families and people with children to consider cruises as attractive vacation destinations. Plenty of activities on board to keep your children entertained while you spend more money in our casinos. That’s fine if that is their business model but what right does a private business have to demand a list or file information on specific citizens from the FBI?? Are ferries, fishing boats and whale watching cruises allowed to do the same?

This is a rather disturbing article! This is without a Civil Lawsuit waiting to happen! What’s next? Airlines?

The safety protocols they are talking about should have been done years ago. Idiots. They are after free press to help in marketing. Just upgrading with life guards does not get attention. But talking about RSOs and keeping them off the boats, that is media worthy. What are they saying? They need us to help with their marketing plan. There’s got to be away to make use of that. Time to ponder.

I have never been on a cruise ship. I have never considered it. I have friends that work for one of the lines. Their story of what happens in the kitchen alone is enough to keep my interest at zero. Because of scheduling issues, proper maintenance of environmental systems gets delayed or skipped.

Of course they cheered and clapped! Creating a label of ‘Sex Offender’ instills the idea in everyone’s head that they are all creepers that repeatedly molest little kids. I am sure that there have been little if any incidents where kids were in danger by any sex offender on a damn cruise ship, yet these policies ‘sound great’. Change the perception of sex offenders and the registry with Education, and stupid policies like these can be gotten rid of, likely through lawsuits. This is clearly illegal discrimination.

People should remind the public of all the problems these cruise ships have been having. pull the past articles and post them on current Forums. Do it for public safety.

They have lost their minds on putting more restrictions that do nothing good and are being delusional about how the system will keep children safe from harm and from registrants.

What will be their excuse when someone is sexually assaulted and there are no RSO on the cruise to blame?

Quite frankly, I think we have bigger issues to be concerned with than this. Most of us cannot even dream of being able to afford to go on a cruise. And if anyone is fortunate enough to afford a cruise, their are many other cruise ships we can go on that don’t discriminate against registered citizens. Their are only 3 cruise lines we know of that ban us, so that leaves many others we can travel on. Personally, I would rather be on an adult only cruise. Our biggest issue we should be concentrating on is getting off this registry so we don’t have to worry about any business or government banning us.

I’ve never felt the desire to be on a cruise and turned down 2 of them 18 years ago.
keep in mind you can probably rent a house boat for less money and have more fun.

All criminal incidents/ sexual assaults occurring on board cruise ships must be reported to the FBI and made available to the public. Here it is:

Royal Caribbean and Carnival are at the head of the pack of reported sexual assaults. It could be that they have more ships and more passengers. They started banning registrants around 2 years ago but their reported numbers have dramatically increased in the last 2 years. Registrants aren’t the problem, unregistered passengers and their CREW are.